Email subject line:  Caterpillar DC Pension Plan - Have you completed your Beneficiary Form

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Have you completed your beneficiary form relating to your DC Pension Plan membership?  View the video on the link below to understand why this is important.

If not, take action today.


If this link does not open, right click on it, select “Copy Hyperlink”, and then paste the address into the address bar of Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge.

Your beneficiary details can be updated on your OneView account.  You can access your OneView account via www.mycatpension.co.uk, under Caterpillar Defined Contribution Pension Plan, then using Single Sign On via your CWS ID.

Alternatively if you would like a paper copy of the form, please contact Mercer (the Plan administrators) using the contact details below:

Caterpillar Defined Contribution Pension Plan
Mercer Limited, PO Box 434
Westgate house, 52 Westgate
PO19 3ZU

Telephone – 0344 854 3338
Email – caterpillardc.pensions@mercer.com