Dependent Life Insurance

Dependent Life Insurance1

If you choose, you may purchase life insurance for your spouse/same-sex domestic partner and eligible children. The following chart shows the coverage amounts available through MetLife.


If you enroll a spouse/same-sex domestic partner or child in Dependent Life Insurance, you are automatically the beneficiary.

Coverage Option(s)

Management, Support and Non-Bargained Hourly Employees

Dependent Life Insurance Banner

UAW and Mapleton Employees

Dependent Life Insurance_UAW and Mapleton Banner

South Milwaukee and Denison Employees

Dependent Life Insurance_South Milwaukee and Denison Banner

Evidence of Insurability

If you elect Optional Life Insurance during your new hire enrollment period, you can enroll in up to two times your salary without providing proof of good health. However, you and/or your spouse/same-sex domestic partner will be required to complete a health questionnaire and/or statement of health form in these circumstances:

  • If you elect a coverage amount for yourself in excess of two times your annual base salary during your new hire enrollment period.
  • If you enroll your spouse/same-sex domestic partner in Dependent Life Insurance coverage.
  • If you wait until an annual enrollment date to enroll in Optional and/or Dependent Life Insurance coverage.